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Outdoors & Gear

Guide to camping, hiking and other outdoor sports and adventures. Includes buying guides for tents, camping gear, sleeping bags and other outdoor equipment.

Water shoes or neoprene socks?

Q. Gear Guy, I’m going on a Boy Scout backpacking trip in a couple of weeks with my son to Utah. We will be walking through water and sand for three days at the bottom of the canyon. Any recommendation for an inexpensive pair of water shoes for my son (age 16)? Thanks for your help.

Gear for a canoe trip

Q. Hey Gear Guy, I was just wondering what kinds of special gear my troop should get when going on a canoe trip?

Best jacket for Philmont?

Q. Hey Gear Guy! What kind of jacket do you recommend for Philmont Scout Ranch? I need the jacket to be preferably something light and under $100.

Hiking or camping packing tips

Q. Sometimes on hikes or camping trips I pack a little bit too much or a little bit too little clothing. How can I restrict myself from packing an amount of clothing that is wrong?

Good knife for exploration

Q. I need a good knife for exploring a forest. I want a knife that either unfolds or stays open. Any suggestions?

Work boots for hiking?

Q. I don’t have a pair of hiking boots, but I do have a pair of Georgia Giant work boots that come eight inches over the ankle. Would they work? Or should I get a pair of hikers instead?

Good inexpensive waterproof watch

Q. My troop is sending boys to Sea Base and I was wondering about good inexpensive waterproof watch. Any ideas about where I could get one?

Modular tent systems

Q. I am looking for a type of tent that can zip onto other tents (of the same style) for my friends to use on campouts so we can each have our own living quarters.

Repair leaky rain pants

Q. My rain pants are leaking because there is a hole on the inside of the leg on the seam. I want to be thrifty because I am a Boy Scout. I would like your advice as to how to repair them. If I am not able to fix them, what should I pay for a new pair?

Stuff We Like: Gerber Omnivore Flashlight

Ever been scrambling before an outing for fresh flashlight batteries but never have the right kind on-hand? If you’re like me, the answer is a big fat yes. In fact, I have a great flashlight sitting in my drawer right now that requires a CR123 Lithium battery but I never remember to get one of those at the store and I definitely don’t have one just lying around the house. But that’s exactly the type of situation where the Gerber Omnivore Flashlight really shines -- pardon the pun.

Ultralight Backpacking Sample Gear List

When practicing the art of ultralight backpacking, every ounce counts. Here is a sample packing list from a backpacker who participated in an ultralight trek last summer based out of the Montana Council’s Montana High Adventure Base.

Reversible rain jacket

Q. Dear Gear Guy, I’ve been searching everywhere for a reversible rain jacket, with one side to be waterproof, the other side just to keep me warm. Think you can help?

Simple, cheap fly rod

Q. Hey Gear Guy, I’ve been bass fishing for a couple years now but I really wanna get into fly fishing too. My friends say it’s really expensive—so can you recommend a simple, cheap fly rod and reel to get me started?

Good, but Inexpensive Buck knife

Q. Dear Gear Guy, I would like a good quality but inexpensive Buck knife. I saw the article in September 2008 about the fixed-blade knives, but my troop does not allow sheath or fixed-blade knives. What can you recommend?

Good camping pillow

Q. Dear Gear Guy, I need a good camping pillow that is not too expensive and can be used easily on backpacking trips.

Stuff We Like: Cateye Bike Lights

One of the best ways to stay safe when bicycling is to make sure that you and your bike can be seen. This is especially important at night. Basic reflectors are a good start, but you really should have lights too.

How to cook an oyster

Q. What equipment do you need to cook an oyster? I caught one on my fishing pole. Hope you write back!

Budget BMX bike

Q. Hey Gear Guy, I have a problem: I’m getting a little too “old” for my BMX bike. I’ve had it for three years, but now I need a new one. My saddle is too low, and when I stand on the pedals for a while, my back begins to hurt. There’s one big problem: I’m kind of low on the green stuff (if you know what I mean). Any suggestions?

Buttons on waterproof watch

Q. Hi Gear Guy, I’m a swimmer and our coach has us time our laps with wristwatches, but every waterproof watch I try, the buttons don’t work underwater. What can I do?

Warm gloves on a budget

Q. Yo Gear Guy, I’m about to go on a winter camp-out and I need some good warm gloves but my budget is just $15. What could I do?

Best skateboards

Q. What skateboards are best for kickflips, grinds and ollies? Which board goes the fastest?

Barbless fishing hooks

Q. Dear Gear Guy, Where can you find unbarbed fishing hooks? I keep on catching pumpkin seed fish, and they have sharp teeth. I think unbarbed hooks would help.

Advanced first-aid kit

Q. I’m looking for an advanced first-aid kit that has everything I will ever need at a low cost with quality stuff for wilderness, desert, cave, boat, home, camper, car, etc.

Stuff We Like: One Tough Txter

If you’re like most guys I know, you’re tough on your stuff. Problem is, most electronics like cell phones can’t stand up to your kind of abuse. That’s why you’ll be stoked to hear about this super-durable mobile phone.

Breathable camping shoes

Q. I have some old camping shoes, but they’re winter hunting shoes. I need a pair of warmer-weather shoes that can get wet and still be dry on the inside; and so my feet won't stink. Can you help me?

Which CamelBak?

Q. I've had a lot of people tell me I should get a CamelBak for outings. Can you help me pick the right one? How much water should it hold and how much space should it have?

Stuff We Like: Graphic Dry Sacks

Waterproof dry sacks are among the most handy things to bring along on a backpacking trip. They are perfect for stuffing in your sleeping bag, clothes, a down jacket, whatever you want to keep dry.

Stuff We Like: Wenger EvoWood

While there are so many cool knives on the market, I was really excited to come across this unique wooden-handled one.

Barefoot in shoes?

Q. I’ve heard some people talking about barefoot shoes lately. What are those? And what are they used for?

Stuff We Like: Kodak PlaySport

If you like capturing your outdoor adventures, this waterproof pocket high-definition camcorder might just be what you need. The Kodak Playsport is about the size and shape of a cell phone but it shoots great quality HD video and 5 megapixel JPEG photographs.

Alternatives to wool

Q. Dear Gear Guy. My Scout leader says that when hiking in the winter you should always wear wool because it keeps you warm even when wet. But I am allergic to wool. Any ideas?

Stores We Like: Axl’s Closet

When it comes to buying cool clothes for school, shopping online is one of the best ways to save your parents some cash. And one of the best new sites we’ve found is

Rust-proof knife

Q. When I was packing for summer camp, I had a hard time choosing the pocketknife to take. Almost all my knifes have wooden handles, and if they get wet, they rot and the blades rust. And the knife I took did rust. Can you tell me of a good rust-proof knife?

Boots hurt my feet

Q. On every camp-out, my boots always hurt my feet -- sometimes from wet socks but mainly for reasons unknown. Is there anything I can do?

Hiking boot brands

Q. I want to buy some hiking boots and I was looking at some different brands. What boot brands do you like and what else should I consider when shopping for hiking boots?

Waterproof headlamps

Q. Dear Gear Guy, I was on a hike last weekend with my troop and accidentally dropped my flashlight in a stream. By the time I fished it out of the water it was dead and still doesn’t work. I need a new one and am wondering if anyone makes waterproof headlamps?

Finding a good hiking staff

Q. I am looking for a good hiking staff for my height (I’m about 5’9”). I need a long, quality staff but all the ones I have found are either short but good quality, or long but cheap. Help Gear Guy?!

Lightweight, affordable tent

Q. Please help, Gear Guy! I like to camp and hike but I always get slowed down by my heavy tent. Can you help me find a lightweight AND affordable backpacking tent?

8 Fishing Knots to Know

Can you imagine going fishing without knowing how to tie an improved clinch knot? Or a double surgeon's loop? Neither can we.

Stuff We Like: Coleman SkinSmart

Summer is mosquito season. So what better time to tell you about our new favorite insect repellent. It’s called Coleman SkinSmart.

Buy a boat on a budget

Q. Gear Guy, I want a boat that is less than 8 feet and no smaller than a five-horsepower motor. The problem: My budget is $500. Do you have any ideas?

Non-inflatable sleeping pad

Q. Dear Gear Guy, My son and I are making plans for his first official summer camp as a Boy Scout. He has a problem and hopes you can help. Could you recommend a quality non-inflatable sleeping pad to help with that stiff back he wakes up with every morning after camping?