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Scout Essentials

How to Use an Ax to Chop Wood

The ax is one of the best tools for gathering wood. But to chop effectively and stay safe, you must know what you're doing.

How to Set Up a Dining Fly

A dining fly is a useful part of any campsite. It provides shelter in case it rains, and serves as hub to set up your camp around.

How To Stay Safe From Bears

Bears can catch a scent miles away. That’s why you need to properly store your smellables when you’re in bear country.

How to Tie an Overhand Knot

This simple knot can be used to prevent a rope from slipping through a pulley or hole, or to make a rope easier to grip.

How to Pack a Backpack

VIDEO: Backpacking can be hard, but here are some ways you can make it easier by packing the right way.

How to Sharpen an Ax

To keep an ax safe and effective, it must stay sharp. Here's how to properly sharpen your ax.

How to Build Your Own First-Aid Kit

What should you include in your first-aid kit? Be prepared with advice and checklists to help you get the best first-aid kit for your next adventure.

How to use a camp saw

Camp saws are helpful for cutting firewood or clearing trails. Here's how to properly use one.

How to Build a Survival Shelter

Being prepared to live — and live well — when you’re far from the comforts of home starts with being able to take effective shelter from the elements.

How to Set Up a Tent

Before leaving for your trip, be sure you're comfortable setting up -- and taking down -- your tent.