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Scouting Around

Does your unit have a cool outing coming up? Tell us about it and it could appear in Scouting Around!

Driving Like The Flintstones

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Troop 122 uses pioneering skills to build cars similar to those used by the fictional stone-age family the Flintstones.

Texas Scouts Head To The Alps

SwissAlps Troop 410 spent six days last summer trekking through the Swiss Alps, one of the most famous mountain ranges in the world.

A Scout Is Reverent Toward God

JAINA The Jain Community of North America has joined the long list of organizations to participate in the BSA-approved religious emblems program.

Crazy About Choppers

At Camp Sikorsky, there are merit badges to be earned and facilities to tour. But mostly, there are awesome, state-of-the-art helicopters.

Search and Rescue

The BSA releases the official requirements for the Search and Rescue merit badge.

Adopting A Wilderness

An Alaska Boy Scout Troop helped remove invasive plants from the Stikine-LeConte Wilderness Area.

Helping The Chimps

A Boy Scout from Washington state is in the middle of an interesting Eagle project.

Crime Prevention

Atlanta Scouts created these crime prevention posters for local businesses.

TV filming in the rain

A steady downpour forced the cancellation of our climbing activities, but the TV show must go on.

132 Merit Badges

A Boy Scout from Kansas City, Kan., has achieved the rare feat of earning 132 merit badges.

Some Cool Summit Videos

The good folks at the Summit, the BSA's new national high-adventure base in West Virginia, have posted some great videos from the site of the 2013 National Jamboree.

Saturday Is National Get Outdoors Day!

The U.S. Forest Service is waiving recreation fees and hosting outdoor events across the country to celebrate the 5th annual National Get Outdoors Day on Saturday, June 9.

Talking Robot Scout

When Scouts from Troop 2 in Billings, Mont., decided to earn their Robotics merit badge, they went all out. See video of their robot in action.