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How to Sharpen an Ax

To keep an ax safe and effective, it must stay sharp. Here's how to properly sharpen your ax.

How to Build an Igloo

A brilliant use of engineering and resources, this simple dome made out of snow blocks is both strong and versatile.

How to Tie a Bowline Knot

The bowline knot is useful for tying a rope around your waist or around someone requiring rescue. Here's how to tie one.

How to Tie a Square Knot

Tying a square knot is as easy as right over left, left over right. Watch our tutorial to learn how.

How to Build a Survival Shelter

Being prepared to live — and live well — when you’re far from the comforts of home starts with being able to take effective shelter from the elements.

How to Find Fossils

Sometimes a rock's just a rock ... and sometimes it's a fossil. How can you tell the difference?

How to Skip Rocks

A stone-skipping expert shares his tips to help you successfully skip rocks.

How to Cook Some Goofy Grub

We scoured the Internet for these six strange recipes and oddball cooking methods. Then we challenged a Scout troop to try them out.

Poisonous Plants Quiz

Whether you're on a backcountry trek or a walk in the park, how aware are you of dangerous plants? Take this quiz and find out.

Emergency Preparedness Quiz

Whether you're on the trail or just having fun in the park, it's easy to get into trouble. Accidents happen. Would you know what to do?